Condition and situation of Aceh related to the Civil Eme

Condition and situation of Aceh related to the Civil Emergency Status:

Every soldiers from military or TNI/ and polices or Polri deployed to Aceh had been fully equipped with long rifles. Information gathered by KontraS from Kesdam Iskandar Muda, there were two officers from Kopassus (Special Force) who had been shot and one of them died. They have been dropped by the Rider 600 to Rumkit area. On the way to Sigli, you could also meet many fully alert soldiers from TNI and Polri beneath the path ways to Selawah mountains. From this investigation on the death of the Kopassus member and one wounded, this event happened on the area of Lepung about 25 Kms away of Banda Aceh city towards Meulaboh (Aceh Besar district). There�s still no further details of this occasion.

Other condition occurred, there has been clashes between a military provost of Iskandar Muda (Kopda Juned) with some police apparatus who examined vehicles papers or license passes by in Banda Aceh. Short chronology explain that, a police officer give a ticket to a civilian motorbike owner who didn�t own any license, then police took this motorbike to an unknown spot, while the owner of this motorbike is the family of Kopda Juned the member of Provost Iskandar Muda.

  • It is reported that there has been shots toward civilian by the apparatus in the area of Tangse Pidie (there has been no report what so ever about the identity and which unit these apparatus came from).