The year 2007 end up with dark record and deep hurt for the life of the nation. Violences in the name of religion spread out across the country. Televison broadcast how the mosques and houses of Ahmadiyah community were set on fire by some people while the police did nothing. The Al-Qiyadah community was brought to police office. There, they were asked to repent and some of them were being discriminated. Lia Eden was in jail for two years for her faith. The church was being ransacked and forced to stop the activities, no place for Chirstian whorshippers. Meanwhile, The Indonesian Ulema Council keeps on registering minority groups and put them label as heresy. The word heresyl is widely used to justify and to eliminate diversity.

Disregarding diversity in the context of Indonesia is betraying the quest and basic principle of the country. Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution were designed with real understanding that Indonesia is a melting pot for all differences from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia was built with one agreement that no single religion will dominate other religion because that will destroy the unity. Also, there is no official supra structure that could control official structure of the state, as this is the practice for law based country with democracy as the gate.

What we have seen recently is disturbing since it shows violence as the solution and tolerance is getting slimmer. In addition, the fact that law officers are powerless and let these things happened, should also worry everyone. It seems that law officers are following demand from a particular group or edict from particular institution and not working based on rules and regulations. Should this situation continue, Indonesia will be under control of violence, the law will loose its supremacy and power and eventually civilization and democracy will be only history.

Based on all those things mentioned above, we, from National Alliance for Religious and Faith Freedom, are herewith supporting:

1. President of the Republic of Indonesia:

o To protect the unity and dignity of the nation by upholding the mandate given by the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. The president should not give up to intervention made by certain religious groups who put label heresy to other religious groups and justify violence in the name of religion.

o In order to guarantee religious and faith freedom to every citizens as mentioned in the international law of human rights, which are protecting, respecting and fulfilling basic rights of the citizens.

2. The Attorney General:

o To strictly uphold the law supremacy and not to put criminal label, stop or forbid a particular religion/faith/believe based on edict issued by MUI.
o To follow and not to disregard constitutional rights of the citizens on faith and religious freedom. An absence of the rights will jeopardize the dignity of Indonesia before the international community.

3. The Police:

o To provide protection to all citizens by preventing violence activities and not listening to demand by a certain groups/militia to stop a religious activity of certain groups.
o To severely punish whoever doing criminal activities in the name of religion, by following the existing law.

4. The People :

o  To respect diversity in religion and faith as stated in Unity in Diversity principle (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika)

o Toa void violence activities in the name of religion and place dialgue for any differences in religion and faith

Supporting elements:

Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace, National Integration Movement, The Wahid Institute, Kontras,
LBH Jakarta, Jaringan Islam Kampus, Jaringan Islam Liberal, Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat, Generasi Muda Antar Iman, Institut DIAN/Interfidei, Masyarakat Dialog Antar Agama, Komunitas Jatimulya, eLSAM, Aliansi Nasional Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Lembaga Kajian Agama dan Jender, Pusaka Padang, Yayasan Tunas Muda Indonesia, Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia, Persekutuan Gereja-gereja Indonesia,
Forum Mahasiswa Ciputat, Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia, Tim Pembela Kebebasan Beragama, El_Ai_Em Ambon, Yayasan Ahimsa (YA), Jakarta, Gedong Gandhi Ashram (GGA) Bali, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI), Dinamika Edukasi Dasar (DED) Jogjakarta, Forum Persaudaraan Antar-Umat Beriman, Jogjakarta,, Forum Suara Hati Kebersamaan Bangsa (FSHKB), Surakarta, SHEEP Indonesia Jogjakarta, Forum Lintas Agama, Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Lembaga Kajian Agama dan Sosial Surabaya, LSM Adriani Poso, PRKP Poso, Forum Mahasiswa Syariah se-Indonesia NTB, Relawan untuk Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia (REDHAM) Lombok, Forum Komunikasi Lintas Iman  Gorontalo, Crisis Center SAG Manado, Forum Dialog Antar Kita (FORLOG-Antar Kita) Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar, Jaringan Antar-iman se-Sulawesi, LK3 Banjarmasin, Forum Dialog Kalimantan Selatan (FORLOG KALSEL) Banjarmasin, PERCIK Salatiga, Sumatera Cultural Institut Medan; Muslim Institut Medan; PUSHAM UII Jogjakarta; Swabine Yasmine Flores-Ende; Komunitas Peradaban Aceh